Have you ever felt that the mouse cord is in the way and it making you nuts? Then this gizmo can be it - the Mouse Bungee.
It's a very simple solution. Place the Mouse Bungee in front with the arm pointing toward the mouse. Then fasten the cord in the arm and the foot of the Mouse Bungee. The flexible arm holds the mouse cord bends after the movements of the mouse.
Therefore you can have the cord almost stretched between the mouse and the Mouse Bungee. So the mouse cord will never trouble you again. Or? Anyway, it comes in several colors. It seems to me that the designers of the Mouse Bungee got some of that iMac flu. You can think what you want about that but lets see if it's any good.
How to test aHow to test a gadget like this ?

One of the first things that I noticed was that the efficiency of the mouse Bungee depended on your sensitivity of the mouse. Less sensitive mouse setting means wider movement and vice versa. When you move the mouse widely there is a greater risk that the mouse cord gets in the way. There is where the Mouse Bungee is doing most sense. Also when using the Boomslang which has more sensitivity the Mouse Bungee helped to increase the precision. Which made it a little more comfortable to work or game with the mouse.
So doesn't it get harder to "steer" the mouse with that springy arm attached to the cord? Frankly no, you can hardly notice the arm. There is a perfect resistant in the arm and all it does is keeping the mouse cord out of the way. However I noticed that the Mouse Bungee maybe should be a little bit heavier. When I tested it with Counter Strike I noticed that sometimes it moved when I made sudden moves with the mouse. But that's basically it.
Cr. By Bjrn Johaonsson www.guru3d.com