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Dota Theme Manager V3 Add New theme 2
[since DTM V2]
-added Barrens Theme
-removed bushes from Snow Theme
-added UI-only-versions (not completely tested! If you find a bug, please inform me)
-added a readme file due to massive questions about things already answered
===2.1 Installing===
1. If you have used the Theme Manager before, make sure to restore to original!
2. Unpack the file IN your warcraft folder - in most cases it will be C:\Program Files\Warcraft III*
3. DO NOT move or rename any of the files you unpacked. The path must be: "\Warcraft III\DotA Theme Manager V3\DTMV3.exe"
4. If you want it on your desktop, create a shortcut of the exe file, but do not move the exe itself.
5. make sure both your WC3 and your World Editor are closed!
6. Start the exe and select the Theme
*) Paths (thanks to martirsadota!)
"Warcraft III Folder\Dota Theme Manager V2
-The moment you open your WC3 folder, you should see this folder.
Warcraft III Folder\Dota Theme Manager V2\DTMV2.exe
-The main executable. Don't lose this! (Oh, yeah: you should create a shortcut to this on your desktop.)
Warcraft III Folder\Dota Theme Manager V2\Data
-This is a folder located inside the DTMV2 folder. It contains:
Warcraft III Folder\Dota Theme Manager V2\Data\Background.jpg
-The app's background. If I'm to be asked, I'll open it and edit it in Photoshop or something...
Warcraft III Folder\Dota Theme Manager V2\Data\beach.mpq
Warcraft III Folder\Dota Theme Manager V2\Data\beach.txt
-Two files for the beach theme.
Warcraft III Folder\Dota Theme Manager V2\Data\hell.mpq
Warcraft III Folder\Dota Theme Manager V2\Data\hell.txt
-Two files for the hell theme.
Warcraft III Folder\Dota Theme Manager V2\Data\MSCOMCTL.OCX
Warcraft III Folder\Dota Theme Manager V2\Data\org.txt
Warcraft III Folder\Dota Theme Manager V2\Data\SFmpq.dll
-I still don't know what these doodads do, but they're essential, I know
Warcraft III Folder\Dota Theme Manager V2\Data\Snow.mpq
Warcraft III Folder\Dota Theme Manager V2\Data\snow.txt
-Two files for the snow theme.
Warcraft III Folder\Dota Theme Manager V2\Data\WinMPQ.exe
-This is the app that does the real magic. See how it appears when you install a theme?"
===2.2 FAQ===
Q: It starts, but gives an error when clicking a theme, how can I fix it?
A: Probably WinMPQ does not work. WinMPQ is in the "Data"-folder, try to run it. You can get help here:
Q :Can this be made as a command like -ts?
A: No, because the cliffs can not be changed ingame.
Q: How does the DTM work?
A: It replaces the textures of terrain and trees in the MPQ.
Q: Can you add a theme-fitting minimap?
A: After trying this in several different ways, I came to the conclusion that it is not possible to do that at all.
Q: I use MAC, does it work for me?
A: No.
Q: The War3Patch.mpq's size grows each time I change the Theme
A: This is a bug I have not managed to fix yet. Use the backup from time to time to get rid of this problem.
===2.3 Troubleshooting===
This should help you fixing most problems...
Problem 1:
The DTM starts and installs a theme (WinMPQ opens and runs through a script), but the theme does not change.
=>Check the paths again (you can find them under 2.1).
If you have mutliple version of WC3 installed, check on which version you used the DTM.
Problem 2:
The DTM starts, but does not start WinMPQ when I click a Theme.
=>WinMPQ does not work, get help here:
Problem 3:
After I installed a theme and tested it, I got a fatal error while/after loading the map
=>first, try to restore to original and test again.
If it does not crash:
Problem should be fixed, you can install a Theme again.
If it crashes again:
Restore your War3Patch.mpq by using the backup (War3Patch.mpq.bak).
Delete the War3Patch.mpq then rename the War3Patch.mpq.bak to War3Patch.mpq,
copy it and rename the copy War3Patch.mpq.bak - then you can try again without risking a reinstall.
[since DTM V2]
-added Barrens Theme
-removed bushes from Snow Theme
-added UI-only-versions (not completely tested! If you find a bug, please inform me)
-added a readme file due to massive questions about things already answered
===2.1 Installing===
1. If you have used the Theme Manager before, make sure to restore to original!
2. Unpack the file IN your warcraft folder - in most cases it will be C:\Program Files\Warcraft III*
3. DO NOT move or rename any of the files you unpacked. The path must be: "\Warcraft III\DotA Theme Manager V3\DTMV3.exe"
4. If you want it on your desktop, create a shortcut of the exe file, but do not move the exe itself.
5. make sure both your WC3 and your World Editor are closed!
6. Start the exe and select the Theme
*) Paths (thanks to martirsadota!)
"Warcraft III Folder\Dota Theme Manager V2
-The moment you open your WC3 folder, you should see this folder.
Warcraft III Folder\Dota Theme Manager V2\DTMV2.exe
-The main executable. Don't lose this! (Oh, yeah: you should create a shortcut to this on your desktop.)
Warcraft III Folder\Dota Theme Manager V2\Data
-This is a folder located inside the DTMV2 folder. It contains:
Warcraft III Folder\Dota Theme Manager V2\Data\Background.jpg
-The app's background. If I'm to be asked, I'll open it and edit it in Photoshop or something...
Warcraft III Folder\Dota Theme Manager V2\Data\beach.mpq
Warcraft III Folder\Dota Theme Manager V2\Data\beach.txt
-Two files for the beach theme.
Warcraft III Folder\Dota Theme Manager V2\Data\hell.mpq
Warcraft III Folder\Dota Theme Manager V2\Data\hell.txt
-Two files for the hell theme.
Warcraft III Folder\Dota Theme Manager V2\Data\MSCOMCTL.OCX
Warcraft III Folder\Dota Theme Manager V2\Data\org.txt
Warcraft III Folder\Dota Theme Manager V2\Data\SFmpq.dll
-I still don't know what these doodads do, but they're essential, I know
Warcraft III Folder\Dota Theme Manager V2\Data\Snow.mpq
Warcraft III Folder\Dota Theme Manager V2\Data\snow.txt
-Two files for the snow theme.
Warcraft III Folder\Dota Theme Manager V2\Data\WinMPQ.exe
-This is the app that does the real magic. See how it appears when you install a theme?"
===2.2 FAQ===
Q: It starts, but gives an error when clicking a theme, how can I fix it?
A: Probably WinMPQ does not work. WinMPQ is in the "Data"-folder, try to run it. You can get help here:
Q :Can this be made as a command like -ts?
A: No, because the cliffs can not be changed ingame.
Q: How does the DTM work?
A: It replaces the textures of terrain and trees in the MPQ.
Q: Can you add a theme-fitting minimap?
A: After trying this in several different ways, I came to the conclusion that it is not possible to do that at all.
Q: I use MAC, does it work for me?
A: No.
Q: The War3Patch.mpq's size grows each time I change the Theme
A: This is a bug I have not managed to fix yet. Use the backup from time to time to get rid of this problem.
===2.3 Troubleshooting===
This should help you fixing most problems...
Problem 1:
The DTM starts and installs a theme (WinMPQ opens and runs through a script), but the theme does not change.
=>Check the paths again (you can find them under 2.1).
If you have mutliple version of WC3 installed, check on which version you used the DTM.
Problem 2:
The DTM starts, but does not start WinMPQ when I click a Theme.
=>WinMPQ does not work, get help here:
Problem 3:
After I installed a theme and tested it, I got a fatal error while/after loading the map
=>first, try to restore to original and test again.
If it does not crash:
Problem should be fixed, you can install a Theme again.
If it crashes again:
Restore your War3Patch.mpq by using the backup (War3Patch.mpq.bak).
Delete the War3Patch.mpq then rename the War3Patch.mpq.bak to War3Patch.mpq,
copy it and rename the copy War3Patch.mpq.bak - then you can try again without risking a reinstall.
Dota Theme Manager V3 Add New theme
Downloads Miror1Click Here
Downloads Miror2Click Here
Install Theme
- Extract .Zip
- Move folder dota theme manager V3 to folder warcraft3 in com yourself.
- You can't change Theme on playing games which can change before to start only.
- You can restore the original theme by press original button.
===DotA Theme Manager V3 - Readme===
1.1 Basic information
1.2 Credits
1.3 Changelog
2.1 Installing
2.2 FAQ
2.3 Troubleshooting
===1.1 Basic information===
The DotA Theme Manager changes the appearance of the Warcraft III world.
It works on most maps and might make them look quite bad because it is created for DotA,
changing that is not possible.
The changes are made by adding textures and models in the War3Patch.mpq,
which is prior to the War3.mpq and War3x.mpq. They are of purely visual nature,
you do not gain any advantage in gameplay using the themes!
When you start the DTM the first time, a backup of the War3Patch.mpq called War3Patch.mpq.bak is created.
If you have any problems after changing something, you can delete the War3Patch.mpq and remove the .bak from the backup.
In case you want to use the Theme Manager again, do not forget to create a new backup ;-)
The following changes to the appearance are possible:
-Beach Theme
-Hell Theme
-Snow Theme
-Barrens Theme
-"Pandaren" User Interface for every race
-"Demon" User Interface for every race
"Original" restores the Theme to original.
You can find the DotA Theme Manager in the internet; If you have questions that are not answered here
or if you have suggestions, you may ask in the forums of
===1.2 Credits===
-Infrisios: idea and developement
-Yak: huge support, blight texture for the Beach Theme
-laku_0o for his help with the GUI (he created the first one!)
-ereskigal, murdoc_rocks, Revil0, 4nTr4xX the ones above (stability tests)
-Unwirklich, for the Panda (Beach) and Demon (Hell) UIs (User Interfaces)
-Betatesters for supporting it and kinda reviving the idea of a custom DotA
-martirsadota and Anti-Maphacker for their ongoing support in the forums
-last but not least IceFrog for his constantly good work on DotA
===1.3 Changelog===
Read more Click here
Downloads Map 6.57b AI ( Revision 02 ) New!!

Revision 2
Fixed scoreboard bugs with No Mode
Fixed a bug with picking after the initial pick (-repick, -dm)
Fixed some map display strings
Rewrote Star Storm (Old Silencer) to improve ability behaviour
Star Storm and Rain of Chaos (Old Silencer) are no longer channelling
Silencer (Old Silencer) is no longer an orb effect
Improved Old Morphling and Old Silencer move speed to be the same as their modern counterparts
Changed visual effect on Tornado Barrier (God of Wind)
Changed God of Wind's unit icon
Slightly improved Displace (God of Wind)
Added Bat Rider (6.00) to Fun Tavern (Extinct)
Updated Old Morphling's spell database to allow stealing abilities from Kunkka, Windrunner and Bat Rider
Added new -fun command: -tryhero
Revision 1
-First update to 6.57b
-Fixed a bug with long gametype commands
-Fixed display text for -csXX
-Fixed a bug with Roshan's armour aura after 50 minutes
-Fixed a bug with selling Aghanim's Scepter
-Fixed a bug with -pe on the Scourge side
-Rewrote Focus Fire to prevent crashes with AI
-Rewrote the way AI purchases and sells Bottles to address a problem with dropping items
-AI Crystal Maiden now learns Brilliance Aura after Frost Nova and Frostbite (instead of at levels 22-25)
-AI Keeper of the Light now properly learns attribute bonuses
-Run Down (Rider) now gives vision of the targeted unit
-Improved the targeting and behaviour of Betrayal (Old Invoker)
-Fixed seeing a dummy ability when swapping with AI Sand King
*Unofficial fixes
-Fixed some typos (Eye of Skadi Ranged, Windrunner, Captain CoCo's Rum, Recall, Courier Shield, Burst)
6.57b Port of AI+ and -fun content by BuffMePlz. 020
AI don't properly react to -nb, -nm and -nt modes.
Some exploits that should have been fixed are still in the game, just don't use them. If you really want to cheat against AI, just use -test.
Commands that have yet to be implemented properly:
-rd (the new one in 6.53, -rd is in the game but done the same way pre-6.53)
Additionally, I have added two Fun Taverns in the lower right corner.
Currently includes fifteen legacy heroes (possibly more in the future):
Old Invoker (6.12b)
Old Lifestealer (6.48b)
Old Silencer (6.12b)
Gambler (6.06)
Old Morphling (5.84b)
Old Stealth Assassin (5.84b)
Old Pudge (5.51)
Old Chen (5.64)
Old Medusa (5.84b)
Void Demon (3.0d)
Rider (5.72)
God of Wind (6.01)
Flame Lord (5.51)
Avatar of Vengeance (6.32b)
Astral Trekker (3.0d)
To access the fun taverns, type -fun within the first 15 seconds of the game. Note that Fun Tavern heroes do not have AI scripts and will not buy items or use/learn skills.
Tenshinhan DN
Cr.By Venom
Download Map 6.57b AI ( Revision 02 ) Click here
DotA : The Mouse Bungee for tournament [Accessories]

Have you ever felt that the mouse cord is in the way and it making you nuts? Then this gizmo can be it - the Mouse Bungee.
It's a very simple solution. Place the Mouse Bungee in front with the arm pointing toward the mouse. Then fasten the cord in the arm and the foot of the Mouse Bungee. The flexible arm holds the mouse cord bends after the movements of the mouse.
Therefore you can have the cord almost stretched between the mouse and the Mouse Bungee. So the mouse cord will never trouble you again. Or? Anyway, it comes in several colors. It seems to me that the designers of the Mouse Bungee got some of that iMac flu. You can think what you want about that but lets see if it's any good.
How to test aHow to test a gadget like this ?

One of the first things that I noticed was that the efficiency of the mouse Bungee depended on your sensitivity of the mouse. Less sensitive mouse setting means wider movement and vice versa. When you move the mouse widely there is a greater risk that the mouse cord gets in the way. There is where the Mouse Bungee is doing most sense. Also when using the Boomslang which has more sensitivity the Mouse Bungee helped to increase the precision. Which made it a little more comfortable to work or game with the mouse.
So doesn't it get harder to "steer" the mouse with that springy arm attached to the cord? Frankly no, you can hardly notice the arm. There is a perfect resistant in the arm and all it does is keeping the mouse cord out of the way. However I noticed that the Mouse Bungee maybe should be a little bit heavier. When I tested it with Counter Strike I noticed that sometimes it moved when I made sudden moves with the mouse. But that's basically it.
Cr. By Bjrn Johaonsson
DotA : Mouse Razer Lachesis for Tournament [ Mouse ]

Razer Lachesis - 9-btn Mouse - Wired - USB
The Mouse to die for!!! *0*I believe this is the best of the best!
with the affordable price!
Razer Lachesis
This mouse's customization features make it a must-have for gamers.*0*
Customize Your Settings
Razer Lachesis Verdict
by Todd Haselton
DotA : Download Map 6.57 AI Rev.1 & Changelogs Map AI

Revision 1
-First update to 6.57b
-Fixed a bug with long gametype commands
-Fixed display text for -csXX
-Fixed a bug with Roshan's armour aura after 50 minutes
-Fixed a bug with selling Aghanim's Scepter
-Fixed a bug with -pe on the Scourge side
-Rewrote Focus Fire to prevent crashes with AI
-Rewrote the way AI purchases and sells Bottles to address a problem with dropping items
-AI Crystal Maiden now learns Brilliance Aura after Frost Nova and Frostbite (instead of at levels 22-25)
-AI Keeper of the Light now properly learns attribute bonuses
-Run Down (Rider) now gives vision of the targeted unit
-Improved the targeting and behaviour of Betrayal (Old Invoker)
-Fixed seeing a dummy ability when swapping with AI Sand King
*Unofficial fixes
-Fixed some typos (Eye of Skadi Ranged, Windrunner, Captain CoCo's Rum, Recall, Courier Shield, Burst)
6.57b Port of AI+ and -fun content by BuffMePlz.
AI don't properly react to -nb, -nm and -nt modes.
Some exploits that should have been fixed are still in the game, just don't use them. If you really want to cheat against AI, just use -test.
Commands that have yet to be implemented properly:
-rd (the new one in 6.53, -rd is in the game but done the same way pre-6.53)
Additionally, I have added two Fun Taverns in the lower right corner.
Currently includes fifteen legacy heroes (possibly more in the future):
Old Invoker (6.12b)
Old Lifestealer (6.48b)
Old Silencer (6.12b)
Gambler (6.06)
Old Morphling (5.84b)
Old Stealth Assassin (5.84b)
Old Pudge (5.51)
Old Chen (5.64)
Old Medusa (5.84b)
Void Demon (3.0d)
Rider (5.72)
God of Wind (6.01)
Flame Lord (5.51)
Avatar of Vengeance (6.32b)
Astral Trekker (3.0d)
To access the fun taverns, type -fun within the first 15 seconds of the game. Note that Fun Tavern heroes do not have AI scripts and will not buy items or use/learn skills.
Tenshinhan DN
Download >>>
Cr.Venom :
DotA : Map 6.58 (Beta) build Changelogs

Update: 6.58(Beta) build Changelog: (this one looks oficial)
(Hero changes only)(Extended version)
- Lanaya's

- Pugna's ulti no longer a channeling spell and is considered a debuff/buff.
- Invoker Str/level gain increase from 1.65 to 1.83
- Dark seer's surge can now be used on enemy units and will slow for 30% on all levels. Duration on enemy units are 1/2.5/3/4s
- Images from Dark seer's Wall of replica now deals 80% damage. Duration nerfed to 10/25/30 seconds.
- Necrolyte's Death pulse now heals 60/100/120/150 from 50/75/100/130.
- Magnataur's Empower now gives bonus atk speed of 10/20/30/40%.
Manacost increased to 75. Cooldown is 20 seconds.
- Visage's Soul assumption damage bonus now lasts 40 seconds.
- Krobelus minor remake.
- Gorgon's Split shot now deals 55/65/75/85% damage from 45/55/65/75%.
- Windrunner's Focus fire changed to 40/35/25% reduced damage from 50/40/30
- Azwraith's Juxtapose has a higher initial chance of 5/7/10/12%
from 3/6/9/12%
- Troll Warlord's str/lvl gain nerfed to 2.0 from 2.2
- Luna's Moon glaive no longer bounces between towers.
- Kunnka's str/lvl gain nerfed to 2.5 from 2.7. Torrent now deals 100/150/200/250 damage from 120/180/240/300.
(Item and Misc changelog to come later.)
DotA Wiki : References
2. a b c d Lim, Marco. "Hey Now, You're an All-Star...". Starcade:'s Official Gaming Site. Retrieved on 2007-03-01.
3. a b c d e f Walbridge, Michael (2008-06-12). "Analysis: Defense of the Ancients - An Underground Revolution". Gamasutra. Retrieved on 2008-06-23.
4. a b (2002) in Blizzard Entertainment: Warcraft III World Editor (in English), 16.
5. a b Tok, Kevin (2006-01-25). "Defense of the Ancients 101". GotFrag. Retrieved on 2007-08-04.
6. Staff (2008-02-18). "Vida: El top 5" (in Español). El Universo. Retrieved on 2008-07-01.
7. Icefrog. "Latest DotA Changelog". Retrieved on 2007-09-04.
8. a b c Lim, Marco. "Hey Now, You're an All-Star... Pg. 2". Starcade:'s Official Gaming Site. Retrieved on 2007-03-01.
9. "Frequently Asked Questions". Retrieved on 2007-08-04.
10. Lodaya, Punit (2006-02-09). "DotA: AllStars Part 1". Retrieved on 2007-08-04.
11. "Hero Database". Retrieved on 2007-02-19.
12. Nair, Neha (2007-10-30). "Why Defense of the Ancients? (Pg. 1)". GotFrag. Retrieved on 2007-11-01.
13. Lodaya, Punit (2006-02-09). "DotA: AllStars Part 2: What Do I Do?". Retrieved on 2007-08-04.
14. " Items Database". Retrieved on 2007-03-01.
15. Staff (2004-09-01). "WarCraft Maps Go Mod". Computer Gaming World. Retrieved on 2007-08-12.
16. O'Connor, Frank; Smith, Luke; et al. (February 2008). The Official Bungie Podcast (MP3). Washington: Bungie. Retrieved on 2008-02-27.
17. Staff (2005). "Blizzcon '05 Tournaments". Blizzard. Retrieved on 2007-08-05.
18. "About WCG Asian Championships". World Cyber Games (2006-08-05). Retrieved on 2007-02-19.
19. "CyberEvolution - Warcraft 3: Defense of the Ancients - Series 1". Retrieved on 2007-02-19.
20. Banks, James (2008-01-06). "ESWC Gamelist". SK Gaming. Retrieved on 2008-01-02.
21. Saylor, Robby (2008-02-14). "Rwar and Slahser on Current Issues". GotFrag. Retrieved on 2008-03-06.
22. a b Nair, Neha (2008-01-18). "ESWC interview, why DotA?". GotFrag. Retrieved on 2008-03-07.
23. a b Nair, Neha (2007-10-30). "Why Defense of the Ancients? (Pg. 2)". GotFrag. Retrieved on 2007-11-01.
24. Lim, Marco. "Hey Now, You're an All-Star... Pg. 3". Starcade:'s Official Gaming Site. Retrieved on 2007-03-01.
25. "Basshunter - Vi sitter i Ventrilo och spelar DotA". Retrieved on 2007-08-07.
26. "Bass hunter - Vi sitter i Ventrilo och spelar DotA". Retrieved on 2007-08-07.
27. Mielke, James (July 2007). "Will Work for Vespene Gas; Ten minutes with StarCraft II lead producer Chris Sigaty". Games for Windows (8).
28. Purchese, Rob (2008-03-04). "GPG "fairly certain" Demigod will make 08". Eurogamer. Retrieved on 2008-03-05.
29. Paul, Ure (2008-03-04). "Demigod First Look". ActionTrip. Retrieved on 2008-03-12.
3. Lopez, Miguel (2008-02-21). "Demigod (PC) Preview". GameSpy. Retrieved on 2008-10-16.
Cr.Wikipedia Link :
DotA Wiki : Reception
The popularity of Defense of the Ancients has increased over time. The scenario was featured by Computer Gaming World in a review of new maps and mods in Warcraft III,and has been called "the ultimate RTS". Allstars has become an important tournament scenario, starting with its prominence at the debut of Blizzard's convention in 2005. Allstars was also featured in the Malaysia and Singapore World Cyber Games starting in 2005, and the World Cyber Games Asian Championships beginning with the 2006 season. Defense of the Ancients is now included in the game lineup for the internationally recognized Cyberathlete Amateur League and CyberEvolution leagues. Additionally, the scenario appeared in Electronic Sports World Cup (ESWC) 2008; Oliver Paradis, ESWC's competition manager, noted that the high level of community support behind the scenario, as well as its worldwide appeal, were among the reasons it was chosen.
The scenario is popular in many parts of the world; in the Philippines and Thailand, it is played as much as the game Counter-Strike. It is also popular in Sweden and other Northern European countries, where the Defense of the Ancients-inspired song "Vi sitter i Ventrilo och spelar DotA" by Swedish musician Basshunter reached the European 2006 charts at #116 and cracked the top ten Singles Charts in Sweden, Norway, and Finland. LAN tournaments are a major part of worldwide play, including tournaments in Sweden and Russia; however, due to a lack of LAN tournaments and championships in North America, several teams have since disbanded. Blizzard points to DotA as an example of what dedicated mapmakers can create using developer's tools.
In June 2008, Michael Walbridge, writing for Gamasutra, stated that DotA "is likely the most popular and most-discussed free, non-supported game mod in the world". In pointing to the strong community built around the game, Walbridge stated that DotA shows it is much easier for a community game to be maintained by the community, and this is one of the maps' greatest strengths. Defense of the Ancients has been credited as one of the influences for the upcoming Gas Powered Games title Demigod, with the video game publication GameSpy noting the game's premise revolved around aspiring gods "[playing] DotA in real life".
Cr.Wikipedia Link :
DotA Wiki : Gameplay
Defense of the Ancients pits two teams of players against each other: the Sentinel and the Scourge. Players on the Sentinel team are based at the southwest corner of the map, and those on the Scourge team are based at the northeast corner. Each base is defended by towers and waves of units which guard the main paths leading to their base. In the center of each base is the "Ancient", a building that must be destroyed to win the game.
Each human player controls one Hero, a powerful unit with unique abilities. In Allstars, players on each side choose one of ninety-one heroes, each with different abilities and tactical advantages over other heroes. The scenario is highly team-oriented; it is difficult for one player to carry the team to victory alone. Nevertheless, some heroes, given enough time, can change the outcome single-handedly, while countering the opposing team's heroes. Defense of the Ancients allows up to ten players in a five versus five format and an additional two slots for referees or observers, often with an equal number of players on each side.
Because the gameplay revolves around strengthening individual heroes, it does not require one to focus on resource management and base-building, as in most traditional games.Killing computer-controlled units earns the player ; when enough experience is accumulated, the player gains a level. improves the hero's toughness and the damage it can inflict, and allows players to upgrade their spells or skills. In addition to accumulating experience, players also manage a single resource: gold. The typical resource gathering of Warcraft III is replaced by a combat-oriented money system; in addition to a small periodic income, heroes earn gold by killing hostile units, base structures, and enemy heroes. Using gold, players buy items to strengthen their hero and gain abilities. Certain items can be combined with recipes to create more powerful items. Buying items that suit one's hero is an important tactical element of the scenario.
Allstars offers a variety of game modes, selected by the game host at the beginning of the match. The game modes dictate the difficulty of the scenario, as well as whether people can choose their hero or are assigned one randomly. Many game modes can be combined (for example, an easy difficulty level and a random hero pick), allowing more flexible options.
Cr.Wikipedia Link :
DotA Wiki : Development
Warcraft III is the third title in the Warcraft series of real-time strategy games developed by Blizzard Entertainment. As with Warcraft II, Blizzard included a free "world editor" in the game that allows players to create custom scenarios or "maps" for the game, which can be played online with other players through custom scenarios can be simple terrain changes, which play like normal Warcraft games, or they can be entirely new game scenarios with custom objectives, units, items, and events; Defense of the Ancients is one of the latter. Created by a mapmaker known as Eul, Defense of the Ancients is a custom scenario based on a previous StarCraft scenario known as "Aeon of Strife", and is the best known of all the DotA variants. After the release of Warcraft's expansion The Frozen Throne, which added new features to the World Editor, Eul did not update the scenario.
Numerous variants were created based on the original, but Allstars is the version that made Defense of the Ancients popular; this scenario was developed by an author under the alias Guinsoo. After version 6.x, another author by the name of IceFrog took over development of the scenario. With successive versions, IceFrog fixes bugs and adds or updates features. Each release is accompanied with a changelog.IceFrog is notoriously reclusive, refusing to give interviews; the only evidence of IceFrog's authorship is the map maker's email account on the official website and the name branded on the game's loading screen.
Defense of the Ancients has strong community support, maintained via official forums. Users can post ideas for new heroes or items, some of which are added to the map.Players have contributed icons and hero descriptions and created the artwork displayed while the map loads, and suggestions for changes to existing heroes or items are taken seriously; IceFrog once changed a new hero less than two weeks after the new version of the map was released.Versions of the scenario where enemy heroes are controlled by artificial intelligences have also been released.
Because Warcraft III custom games have none of the features designed to improve game quality (matchmaking players based on connection speed, etc.), various programs are used to maintain Defense of the Ancients. External tools ping player's locations, and games can be named to exclude geographic regions. Clans and committees such as Team DotA Allstars (TDA) maintain their own official list of rules and regulations, and players can be kicked from matches by being placed on "banlists".
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Cr.Wikipedia Link:
DotA Wiki : Defense of the Ancients
- "DotA" redirects here. For the Basshunter song, see Vi sitter i Ventrilo och spelar DotA.
DotA Allstars loading screen as of version 6.55b | |
OS | Mac OS X, Windows |
Type | Mod |
Defense of the Ancients (often referred to as DotA) is a custom scenario for Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, based on the "Aeon of Strife" map for StarCraft. The objective of the scenario is to destroy the opponents' "Ancient". The two teams' ancients are heavily guarded structures at opposing corners of the map. Players use powerful units known as heroes, and are assisted by allied heroes and AI-controlled fighters called "creeps". As in role-playing games, players level up their hero and use gold to buy equipment during the mission.
The scenario was developed with the "World Editor" of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, and was updated upon the release of the Warcraft expansion The Frozen Throne. There have been many variations of the original concept; currently, the most popular is DotA Allstars, which has been maintained by several authors during development.
Since its release, Allstars has become a feature at several worldwide tournaments, including Blizzard Entertainment's BlizzCon and the Asian World Cyber Games, as well as the Cyberathlete Amateur and CyberEvolution leagues; Gamasutra declared that DotA was perhaps the most popular "free, non-supported game mod in the world".The map has gone on to influence other maps and games, including the upcoming strategy game Demigod.
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