
Cross Island Large : BK0014Y-Hokkien Chest on Chest Cabinet with Elaborate Carvings, circa 1860, Fujian Province China, F

BK0014Y-Hokkien Chest on Chest Cabinet with Elaborate Carvings, circa 1860, Fujian Province China, F

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BK0014Y-Hokkien Chest on Chest Cabinet with Elaborate Carvings, circa 1860, Fujian Province China, F Review

BK0014Y-Hokkien Chest on Chest Cabinet with Elaborate Carvings, circa 1860, Fujian Province China, F

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BK0014Y-Hokkien Chest on Chest Cabinet with Elaborate Carvings, circa 1860, Fujian Province China, F is the most recommended search of every search engine with these following keywords. "Cross Island Large"

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BK0014Y-Hokkien Chest on Chest Cabinet with Elaborate Carvings, circa 1860, Fujian Province China, F Overviews

This scholar's cabinet, from the Hokkien speaking people of southern China, features lovely carved and raised Chinese characters. The characters seem to be from the ancient traditional Chinese language and probably are of a poem. A special feature is the chest-on-chest arrangement. The upper chest has four removable doors on wooden hinges, which when opened, reveal three spaces and two drawers. The lower chest has two sliding doors. The entire cabinet is adorned with paintings and carvings of many symbols and beautifully painted in lacquers of red, black and gold. Very similar to Item # (No Suggestions).

Cross Island Large : BK0014Y-Hokkien Chest on Chest Cabinet with Elaborate Carvings, circa 1860, Fujian Province China, F Want to check shipping pricing ? You can check and compare shipping fee from many supppliers here. >Compare Prices<

BK0014Y-Hokkien Chest on Chest Cabinet with Elaborate Carvings, circa 1860, Fujian Province China, F Feature

  • circa 1860
  • Fujian Province, China
  • Black / Red
  • 43.5" wide x 20" deep x 68.25" high

    • Cross Island Large : BK0014Y-Hokkien Chest on Chest Cabinet with Elaborate Carvings, circa 1860, Fujian Province China, Fhas been guaranteed through the quality and you will check product standard from users scoring Check Product Rating

    BK0014Y-Hokkien Chest on Chest Cabinet with Elaborate Carvings, circa 1860, Fujian Province China, F Conclusion

    BK0014Y-Hokkien Chest on Chest Cabinet with Elaborate Carvings, circa 1860, Fujian Province China, F

    List price : 0.0200

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